Afternoon Style : Join me on Pinterest!


Join me on Pinterest!

Oh Pinterest... my one true love. To this day, I still say Pinterest is one of the greatest inventions ever. I've been pinning since you had to receive an invitation to join and I don't see myself stopping anytime soon! Over the years I've pinned and liked over 10,000 pins and I want you to join in on all the fun! 

Do you love pinterest too? Duh- of course you do. Do you want to join some awesome boards with great inspiration from pinners across the globe? 

Join me on one of my group boards where you can pin, follow, and be inspired! I've created two specific boards that are strictly fashion & style related (since that's what this blog is all about) and I'd like to invite you to pin on them with me. What's great about this is that you can join whether you're a blogger or not! 

If you're a fellow fashion blogger, join this board

If you're more of a blog reader than a blog writer, join this board

[just be sure to follow the directions to join the boards once you get there!]

Of course you can follow along with either board and you can see loads of other inspirational boards here!

I can't wait to pin with you guys and see what fun things we can inspire one another with. See you on the pin-side :)