Afternoon Style : San Francisco: Part 2


San Francisco: Part 2

This is the second installment of highlights and photos from my March SF trip. You can see part 1, here.

On the second day of my trip, the girls and I visited Fisherman's Wharf and Sausalito. I had been to Fisherman's Wharf before and it is fun to see, but it's a little bit too touristy for me! My favorite part of the trip, by far was Sausalito. I definitely want to go back there again one day.

The view of Alcatraz from Fisherman's Wharf

Katey, me, Patty. 

I call these my SF shoes :) But they are from Express and you can purchase them at various locations and here

The rolling hills with greenery and houses were dreamy. 

The cutest restaurant that my wallet couldn't afford to do more than step into for 30 seconds. 

I have a love for old doors and brick walls. 

I loved this gorgeous park in Sausalito. Although it was very crowded, so we didn't stay long. 

I seriously want to frame this picture and hang it in my house. That's how much I love this little town. 

Be on the lookout for part 3 of my trip, later this week!

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