
Long Time, No Blog!

Well, hello there!

It's has been a long time since I have blogged on here and for a while there my website was actually down. It made me sad that I had to take a blogging hiatus but it was extremely necessary. I put so much work into this blog over the last 3 years and I grew a large following, so I feel like I owe you all an explanation.

If you follow me on instagram (@jessicajeanwalters), then you probably know that I had my baby in early May. He is now 8 months actually, what!? Time flies. After I had him, some terrible and unexpected things happened in my life and I just could not blog. I'm not going to get into the details, but all I could really do for several months was be a mom and take care of myself and my baby. Here I am several months later and I miss blogging so much and I really want to get back into it.

I miss doing fashion posts and connecting with all my followers. But right now fashion posts are something I just cannot commit too. Being a mom is such a big responsibility and I really admire moms who can juggle home responsibilities and a blog. If I had a photographer to take my photos, it might be feasible, but right now it just isn't.

I decided that since I'm not doing fashion focused posts anymore, that I should create a new blog and leave this as is. This blog will never be deleted and will remain published at www.afternoonstyle.blogspot.com I couldn't imagine deleting it after everything I put into it over the last few years.

I'm blogging about a lot of different things now... motherhood, the struggles of life, the joys of life, natural/holistic living, my favorite baby products. I know this isn't everyone's jam but if it is, I would love for you to follow me over on my new blog, Mama Essentials!

Thank you all for following me over the last few years, I truly appreciate it. Even though my momiform is mainly leggings, v-necks, and messy buns these days- I do post #ootds on instagram occasionally so follow along with me there if you'd like.

XOXO Jessica