
What Becoming a Twenty-Something Mormon is Like...

I don't post about my religion and beliefs on here that often, mainly because I like to keep this blog focused on style. However, I recently read this post from Elisabeth at Bella the blog and it inspired me to write my story. I personally think that hearing people's life stories/history is so interesting and fun! I think we can all learn from one another, whether we share similar beliefs or not. 

A little note: a few months ago I posted something about my religion on Instagram and had a lot of interesting comments. Some people praised me for sharing my beliefs and others were upright rude and hurtful because they didn't agree with me. I just want to say that I am not here to push my beliefs on anyone, whatsoever and I respect all beliefs and lifestyles! I think all people's stories are beautiful. I simply just want to share a deeper part of my story with all of you and I hope you enjoy it! And if you don't- well, just come back tomorrow because I have an outfit post planned for then haha :) 

Becoming a Mormon

When I was 20-years old, I became a Mormon, also known as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. That was four years ago and I am so happy with this decision, to this day. 

I grew up Catholic and I've been to more churches than I can count. I have experienced a lot of different denominations and felt love and kindness from many types of people. I think almost all (as long as they aren't extremist or harmful) religions and belief systems hold so much beauty and are all so sacred. 

From the time I was a senior in high school, until I was in college I explored many churches. I was constantly looking for the right 'spiritual fit' but I often found myself feeling empty handed. 

When I went off to college, I went down a broken path. I did things I'm not proud of. I made mistakes. I dated the wrong people and I went to my fair share of parties. I ultimately was not happy with my life or some of the people I was hanging out with. 

-Becoming a twenty-something Mormon was me waking up one morning in November and realizing how unhappy I was with my current lifestyle 

-It was making the decision that I needed to be closer to God and that I was trying to life in two ways- God's way and Satan's way. And that it was impossible to do both. 

-It was me deciding to leave the life I knew behind and start completely fresh. This meant separating from friends who may not have liked me anymore because I wouldn't go out and drink with them. 

-Becoming a twenty-something Mormon was me moving back home to live with my parents, even though I never had a desire to do that after moving out on my own. 

-It was having to deal with regrets some days and feeling like I wasn't good enough. 

-It was also feeling comforted and knowing that I was good enough and that I was loved by my father in heaven. 

-Becoming a twenty-something Mormon meant putting one foot in front of the other and holding onto a very strong faith I had developed- a faith that could not be broken. 

-It was starting fresh in the town where I went to high school and trying to make new friends at the college I was attending. 

-It was having guys tell me that they didn't want to date me because they knew I wouldn't have sex before marriage and that was 'weird'. 

-It was people asking me why I was 21 and didn't drink. 

-It wasn't always easy. 

-It was rewarding. 

-It was true happiness. 

-Becoming a twenty-something Mormon was finding myself. 

-It was realizing that I have a purpose on this earth and learning how to live each day to the fullest and enjoy it. 

-When I was 20, I become Mormon. I had a past, I had sins, but I had a bright new future waiting for me. This didn't mean I wouldn't make mistakes again, but it meant something better than I had known previously. 

-When I was 21, I met the man whom I would eventually marry and I realized that I had become the woman that I needed to be AND the woman he needed me to be. I realized that everything I went through up until now had prepared me for a lifetime of happiness with him

-When I was 22, we were married and began our journey as husband and wife- the happiest day of my life. 

-When I was 23: I learned more that I ever thought I could in a year. I went through many trials and I learned to lean on God and my husband. 

-When I was 24: I found out I was pregnant and I realized that the outpouring of joy that I have felt in the last four years was all because I decided to become a twenty-something Mormon. THIS was the right path for me. I realized that everything leading up to this point was so that I could be the best mother that I could be to the baby boy growing inside me. 

-When I am 25: I will be a brand new mother. I will still be a twenty-something Mormon, but I will have a whole new set of challenges that come with motherhood and I will have my faith to lean on. 

Being a twenty-something Mormon has taught me that it is never too late to become who you want to be. I truly identify with being LDS and I love every minute of it! And I can honestly say that whoever you are, whatever your identity is, just do what makes you happy and be the best that you can be. We all come from different starting points and walk different paths. But we are all looking for the same thing- HAPPINESS. 

Becoming a Twenty-something Mormon has been happiness for me and it has set the stage for the rest of my life. Whatever it is you are- religious or not, spiritual or not- whatever you are- let it make you happy :) 

What makes you, you? What makes up your happiness?

Have a happy Wednesday :)