
It's a...

Yesterday we found out that we are having a BOY!!! This was a complete surprise and shock to me; I for sure thought we were having a little girl. 

Regardless, I am so excited to know that this baby is a boy and I am even more excited to meet this little guy! It's kind of surreal that he will be here in just about four short months. 

He is a very active baby and it will be fun to see how my pregnancy progresses. During the ultrasound, he was a wild little thing and would not stop moving around! The ultrasound technician having a hard time getting him to stay still to take photos. Towards the end, she told us that he kept waving his bicep around and I said that he was definitely taking after his father! He moves around so much and he is constantly digging his foot into my rib. It's painful but totally worth it :)

Being pregnant is the sweetest thing. There are really hard times and I'm sure I will experience more of those throughout the rest of my pregnancy. However, there is really no better feeling than having a precious little life inside of you. 

Thanks for following and for all your sweet comments!