Afternoon Style : Floral Tunic


Floral Tunic

This tunic was my first maternity purchase and I'm really happy with it! I mean at $7 from H&M you really can't go wrong. It goes great with leggings, which have become something I wear almost everyday. If only they were office appropriate, right? 

Although this is indeed a maternity styled outfit, tunics & leggings are a great outfit choice whether you're growing a baby or not. 

We are about halfway through January and I have been really thinking about New Year's Resolutions. I feel like people often come up with resolutions and after a few weeks or the first month of the new year, they are unintentionally forgotten. The hard thing about resolutions is they are usually big goals and they are set for a year, which is a relatively long period of time, which can make it easy to forget about them or give up on them.

So instead of resolutions, I'd like to talk about the things I want to do in 2015. These are my small goals that I want and look forward to accomplishing. 

1. Number 1 goal & highlight of 2015: Deliver a beautiful & healthy baby boy in May. (This is honestly my main focus in everything I do now. Since becoming a "mother", the little baby growing inside me is always my top priority.) 
2. Pray with my husband every night. We have already broken this, but we are working on creating a habit. I have found that is so beneficial to have a prayer with my husband at night and it brings us closer together. So we are striving to do so as many nights out of the year as we can. 
3. Organize the heck out of my house. It turns out that nesting started pretty early for this mama. I have been organizing, cleaning and just going through tons of stuff! I really want to simplify in 2015 and it feels so good to get both mental & physical clutter out of sight. 
4. Stick to a budget. I feel like our budget is always changing slightly and we are somewhat bad at keeping to one. We aren't terrible, but we definitely could improve. So this is something I want to be more conscious of and work towards this year. 

I think these 4 goals are more than enough to keep me busy. Of course I have smaller goals like blogging goals and marriage goals that I'll also be aware of and working towards- but I'll share more about those later. 

2015 is going to be a life-changing year and I can't wait to see how it plays out. Brogan is in the process of applying to medical school and we should be finding out where he decides to go in the next two months. That will determine where will be moving, just a couple months after this baby boy is born. Not to mention, adjusting to life as a mom will be a whole new experience, but I am so excited for this new journey. 

Thanks for reading, have a great Monday!