

12 weeks, 5 days.

That is the amount of time that I have been pregnant for.,, 

If you follow me on instagram, you may already know this :) 

However, I wanted to  share this news on this blog, in case some of my readers hadn't heard . 

It's crazy how things work out. I thank God every day for this wonderful life and all the blessings he has given Brogan and I. I don't feel at all ready to be a mother, but I'm really excited for this journey! This just goes to show me that God has a much better hold on my life plans than I do. 

At [almost] 13 weeks pregnant, I can say that being pregnant is my favorite thing I have ever done... and I know it is just going to get better.
I have the tiniest little bump that is just starting to peek out.
I have gained 3 pounds.
I can't feel the baby move yet, but I know he/she is in there and that I love that little person more than anything in this world, already. 
I know that he/she has a really strong and fast heart beat. 
(and I have an inkling it's a baby girl)
Whenever I am driving or laying down in bed, I love putting my hand on my belly and feeling the tiny little bump that is now the size of a peach. 
This little peach is a huge gift from God and I feel so blessed to be starting the journey of motherhood. 

Even with all sickness [there has been a lot of it], the fatigue, the headaches, and the stress of having a baby, I absolutely love being able to experience pregnancy. 

I may not have known when this time was going to come, but I have somehow been waiting for it for a really long time.