
Spotlight Link-up!

Hey lovelies, 

I'm happy to announce that I am co-hosting The Spotlight Weekly Link-up this week with Living in Color in Style and Styling in St. Louis!

Be sure to link-up below!
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see my outfit here

Here are the rules: 
1. We kindly ask that you follow the two hosts: Elle from Living in Color Style on Bloglovin' and Jacqueline from Stylin' In St. Louis via Bloglovin' and the guest host, Jessica from Afternoon Style! (The first three links in the link-up.)

2. Use the button provided on Elle or Jacqueline's side bar or link back to the link-up on your blog.

3. Enjoy reading other blogs and make new blogger friends!

Thanks so much for following! 
Be sure to come say hello on social media!