
Coral Monochrome

I love the monochrome look. There are so many ways to wear it and it make it look different, depending on what color you choose to incorporate.
Okay, so this outfit isn't completely monochrome, but close enough, right?

On another note, I have been on a coral craze lately. This striped shirt is actually a dress that I found at Old Navy for only $4. It works great as a shirt too though!

This is an old skirt, but I've linked up some similar options below. I love mixing bold stripes with soft floral patterns- it creates such a fun and feminine look. 

The shoes I'm wearing are actually my wedding shoes. I've only worn them a few times. After wearing them once more, I was reminded of why I went barefoot my entire reception. They will probably just look pretty in my closet for now on!

Have you worn a monochrome themed outfit before? What's your go-to color of choice?

top: Old Navy, old, similar here and here // skirt: old, similar here and here // shoes: old, similar here and here

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