
Valentine's Day 2014

I love Valentine's Day; I have always loved it. It has always been a fun and cheerful holiday and not just because it's great to be showered with gifts from that special someone. Actually, Brogan was my first valentine. I dated others before Brogan, but I never really had a valentine. I used to joke that the first guy to give me flowers would be my soul mate. Well sure enough, he gave me a red carnation on our first date, on Valentine's Day. So I guess you can say V-Day is a little special to us!

It has become a tradition for Brogan to plan Valentine's Day, every year. This is hard for me because I am a control planning freak. I'm a total type A personality and I like to plan, plan, plan. Like every year, I had to wait up until we were leaving the house to know what we were doing- and even then I had no idea where we were going. It was exciting and gave me anxiety at the same time!


The night before Valentine's Day, I wanted to do something special for Brogan. So I came up with this somewhat quick idea. 

Chocolate-covered strawberries, a heart-shaped cookie cake, and heart shaped hamburgers... because nothing says 'I love you' like meat in the shape of hearts. 

Then, on Valentine's Day morning I woke up to this 

I sure love this man of mine! 

Brogan ended up taking me to the Pueblo Carriage House and Rosemount Museum. It's an old mansion and restaurant that was built in the late 1800s. We had a four-course meal and toured the museum. It was really romantic and I loved every minute of it. Then we finished off the night by getting some hot cocoa- my favorite winter treat. 
I hope you all had a fabulous Valentine's Day as well! Stay tuned for my outfit details later this week...

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