
Is Unconditional Love Possible?

Many times, I've heard people say that unconditional love is impossible; that no one is capable of loving another person unconditionally

Unconditionally. Always. No matter what. Loving during the good and the bad. 

Here's the thing about love and marriage, specifically. 

When you find that person whom you want to spend the rest of your life with, you don't just get to love the pretty parts. You have to love everything underneath, all the flaws, and all the not so pretty parts. 

Can we as humans, do that? 
Is unconditional love possible? 

Marriage is about loving your spouse when they aren't Pretty. 

It's easy to love someone at their best; it's difficult to love someone at their worst. 

In July, it will have been two years that Brogan and I have been married. 
In these two years, there have been a lot of pretty moments, but there have also been plenty of  unpretty moments. 

This is how anyone can achieve unconditional love. 

One thing my husband and I try to strive for is a Christ-centered marriage. We don't always succeed at this.
In fact, we almost never succeed at this. 

When you are striving to have a Christ-centered marriage, God must be at the center of everything. And the only way for God to be the center is to let go. Give him the reigns. Let him control. Just follow his guidance and promptings and have faith

Easier said than done. 

When we let Heavenly Father guide us, when we start listening to his counsel instead of asking for our way... 

we will know unconditional love. Because no matter what happens... 

no matter how unpretty we may be in a given situation, God will always love us, just as we are. Unconditionally. 

I may not be fully capable of loving someone unconditionally, but God is. 

And if my marriage is centered around Christ, then I must strive to love my husband as Christ does. 

Even when I am not happy with my husband, I can learn to love him no matter what. Because the savior loves all of us no matter what. 

Try this in your everyday life. Try to love everyone you meet and everyone you see, regardless of the situation. 

I believe love is the only thing that we owe to one another, simply because God has given us love. 

Next time you find yourself feeling contention towards someone, try to love them instead.

It won't work every time, because we are imperfect and unpretty beings. However, we should still try.

See where it takes you. 

See the beauty in the unpretty. Show your love towards imperfections. Strive for unconditional love. 

Not because you're capable of it, but because God is capable of it and you receive it on a daily basis from him.

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